The Cantiague Park Senior Men’s Golf League had its 7th tournament on July 27, with 20 golfers. Two scored under 40; low overall score was won by Pete Guerra with a brilliant 38.Please note: There will be no early outs from this point on. Club golfers who do not wait for the 7:30 start will lose rights to winning any prize money or points. Golfers who must be the first out at 7:30 will be accommodated. A new rule will also be imposed that you must play your round with club members only or default your score.
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Low Actual Score: Pete Guerra (38); Low Overall Net: Bob Kann (28); Low Flight A: Jerry Skaee (29); 2nd Low Flight A: Charles Acerra (30); Longest Drive: Geoff Tripp; Closest to the Pin: Bob Kann; Low Flight B: John Dillavore (28); 2nd Low Flight (B): George Rottkamp (30).